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Benefits of Destination Services

Relocating for Work?

Discover the Benefits of Destination Services for Stress-Free Moves

Relocating for work can be a stressful experience. Whether you are moving across the country or just a few hours away, the process of packing up your life and starting anew can be daunting. Fortunately, destination services can make the transition much smoother, easing some of the burden of moving and providing assistance in areas such as housing, education, and cultural integration.

The Benefits of Destination Services

One of the biggest advantages of using destination services is the peace of mind they provide. Knowing that you have a team of professionals on your side can greatly reduce the stress of moving and help you focus on settling into your new job and community. Destination services can also save you time and energy by handling many of the logistical details of the move, such as arranging for temporary housing or helping you find a new home that meets your needs.

Another key benefit of destination services is the personalized support they offer. No two moves are alike, and destination service providers understand this. They work closely with you to assess your unique needs and preferences and tailor their services accordingly. This might include helping you navigate the complexities of the local housing market, providing support as you enroll your children in a new school, or connecting you with local resources and services.

Perhaps most importantly, destination services can help you feel more connected to your new community. Moving to a new place can be lonely and isolating, especially if you are far from friends and family. Destination service providers can help you build a network of contacts and introduce you to local clubs, organizations, and other opportunities for socializing and community involvement. This can not only make your work relocation less stressful but also lead to a more fulfilling and enriching experience overall.

The Challenges of Relocating for Work

While destination services can offer many benefits for those relocating for work, it’s important to understand the challenges that come with moving to a new place. One of the biggest challenges is adjusting to a new environment and culture. Even if you are moving within the same country, you may encounter different customs, traditions, and ways of doing things. This can be especially difficult if you are moving to a place with a vastly different language or cultural norms.

Another challenge of relocating for work is maintaining work-life balance. Moving to a new place often means putting in extra hours to get up to speed on your new job and build relationships with colleagues. It can be easy to get caught up in work and neglect other important areas of your life, such as family, friends, and hobbies. Destination services can help by providing support and resources to help you manage your time and responsibilities effectively, but ultimately, it’s up to you to make sure you strike the right balance.

The Importance of Planning Ahead

When it comes to relocating for work, planning ahead is key. This means thinking carefully about your goals and priorities for the move, researching the new location to understand its culture and amenities, and seeking out resources and support to help you make the transition smoothly.

Destination services can be a valuable tool in this process, but it’s important to choose a reputable provider that offers the services you need and has a strong track record of success. Take the time to do your research, ask for referrals from colleagues or friends who have relocated for work, and be prepared to invest in high-quality services that can make a real difference in your move.

In Conclusion

Moving for work can be a daunting prospect, but with the right support and resources, it can also be an exciting opportunity for growth and exploration. Destination services can provide many benefits for those relocating, from reducing stress and saving time to helping you feel more connected to your new community. By planning ahead, researching your options, and investing in high-quality services, you can make your move as stress-free and successful as possible.

15 April
The Helpful Hustle: What Does an Errand Runner Do?

Time is an important resource in our fast-paced environment. Handling our responsibilities to our families, careers, and personal lives can often leave us feeling exhausted. Here is where the unsung heroes, or errand runners, come to the assistance. Though, what exactly does an errand runner accomplish, and why are they growing more and more essential in contemporary era?

Your Everyday Superhero: An errand runner is your personal assistant for the ordinary (but oh-so-important) things in life. They lever an inclusive variety of errands, contingent on your wants and their service aids.

Delivery of groceries: Say goodbye to squeezing via crowded superstores! By a list you supply, errand runners can pick up your groceries, ensuring that you have fresh ingredients for that next dinner party.

Picking up prescriptions and dry cleaning: No time to wait in line? Errand runners can lever these tasks, freeing up your schedule for additional important duties.

Professionals in a rush: Running between meetings? Errand runners can make errands like pick up lunch, drop off documents, pick up, or visiting the bank on your behalf.

A Helping hand for seniors: Errand runners might be a lifesaver for people who may have trouble moving about. They can contribute with picking up medicines, grocery shopping, and even going to appointments with them.

Above and Beyond the Essentials

Errand runners are often flexible and can meet your own necessities. Some may provide thesubsequent services such as:

    • Walking your pet
    • Taking care of minor landscaping or home repair projects
    • Shipping and returning packages
    • Standing in line for tickets or appointments

But it is not just an individual who benefit from the services of errand runners; businesses also stand to gain significantly. Even if it is a small startup in need of administrative support or a large corporation looking for assistance with logistics, errand runners can play an important role in rationalization processes and refining competence. By assigning routine tasks to an errand runner, businesses can emphasis their time and resources on more planned initiatives, eventually operating growth and success.


The Perks of Using an Errand Runner

Hiring an errand runner has a lot of advantages. These are a handful:

    • Save time and reduce stress: Free up your schedule for the task that matter most.
    • Enhanced productivity: Focus on your work or personal projects although someone else tackles your errands.
    • Convenience: Complete tasks without leaving the home or place of business.
    • Peace of mind: Particularly for seniors or those with limited mobility, errand runners can provide a sense of security and independence.


So, how can one locate someone to run errands?

Numerous services for running errands are available online or via applications. Another option is to search for nearby companies or people who provide errand-running services. Make sure to investigate about their insurance coverage, service area, and costs.

Errand runners are an enormous way to free up time and get things done, to sum up. An errand runner can be your secret weapon for bashing out everything on your to-do list, whether you are a busy professional, a senior searching for help or just someone who hates standing in queue.

Medical Courier Service

What is a Medical Courier Service and Why Do You Need Them?

Late deliveries do not only raise your blood pressure but can have costly consequences too. Consumers are less likely to use a business’s services again. But the costs can be much higher for late medical service deliveries, which is why it is time to invest in a medical courier.

There can be severe consequences when there is an issue with healthcare logistics. Around 90% of nurses cannot perform patient care efficiently when medical delivery delays occur. And late deliveries have a domino effect no matter what part of the healthcare industry you are in.

Do you want a more reliable delivery service? Do you need to transport medical supplies securely? Read on to learn why you should consider a medical courier service.

What Is a Medical Courier Service?

A medical courier service specializes in transporting and delivering medical supplies. Medical supplies include:

  • Healthcare equipment
  • Specimens
  • Medical records
  • Samples

Deliveries can also include urgent medical care supplies, such as organ or blood transport. And with organ transplants continuing to rise, efficient delivery is more critical than ever.

Medical couriers deliver to a variety of different medical facilities. These include hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and laboratories.

Reasons to Use a Medical Courier Service

The global courier industry continues to grow, valued at over $340 billion. However, you should consider a specialized courier service for various reasons. Many different businesses and facilities can benefit from a medical courier service.

Trained Delivery Professionals

You do not have to worry about explaining the importance of your delivery to a courier. You will be working with professional couriers who have the specialist training and equipment to handle medical deliveries safely. They know the importance of on-time deliveries and what needs to be done to protect items.

For example, they know how to handle samples and other delicate medical supplies. They are medically certified to handle medical goods. And vehicles also have the right equipment to securely transport goods, including services such as temperature-controlled deliveries.

Cost-effective Delivery Solution

Medical courier services can be cost-effective for your business in different ways. They can reduce supply chain costs, as you do not have to worry about internal staffing for deliveries.

The medical courier services will always have sufficient staff on call too. So even if you need same-day delivery, you know you will be covered.

Couriers also offer detailed reporting and tracking, so you understand your delivery costs and logistics in-depth. You can learn how to reduce overhead costs further this way, using the valuable reporting data you will receive.

You will not lose money and essential time due to late deliveries or spending time tracking deliveries. Sometimes, medical insurances also give discounts or cover costs if it considers the delivery a part of the medical costs.

Advanced Technology

Medical courier services utilize technology to improve the efficiency of their deliveries. This means many automated processes streamline delivery and reduce the risk of human error, such as lost delivery.

Examples of medical courier delivery technology include:

  • GPS tracking
  • Online order and track platforms
  • Email notifications
  • Barcode scanning
  • Signature capture

As a medical business, you do not want to worry about losing track of packages. Often packages include sensitive patient data or urgent medical supplies.

Technology such as email notifications and barcode capture increases delivery reliability. It ensures you are aware of where the package is in real-time.

Staff Management and Compliance

Have peace of mind that your medical supplies are in safe hands with medical courier services. Not only do staff go through screening and training to handle the equipment. But medical courier companies also use technology and audits for efficient staff management.

Audits include:

• Checking deliveries are meeting PHI / OSHA Requirements
• Secure vehicle and cleanliness
• Grooming and attire of driver

Do not spend time worrying about driver reliability and security. If you want to guarantee your delivery service is compliant, clean, and safe, use a medical courier service. The TSA carries out background checks, and the delivery company audits them regularly.

Staff regularly receive training and gain certifications to guarantee optimum service. Medical courier services also ensure a chain of custody to protect you, patient data, and the items. This reduces liability risks and ensures you meet confidentiality requirements.

Flexible Delivery

There is nothing worse than receiving a vague delivery window when you urgently need a delivery. A medical courier service offers effective delivery management, so you feel more in control of deliveries and utilize your time more effectively.

You will be able to track your orders online and review orders to ensure it is all correct. Plus, the GPS tracking feature and email notifications mean you can continue to work while waiting for the delivery to arrive.

Medical courier services also focus on client specifications and work to make delivery times suit you. It means you are more reliable and trustworthy as a healthcare provider too. You will be keeping your patients safer and can provide accurate predictions about delivery times.

Reliable Delivery Service

A medical courier service is the most reliable way to transport your goods. Do not worry about having to explain regulations and other critical issues to each driver. They already have the knowledge to deliver your items reliably.

Have peace of mind regulations are followed throughout the supply chain. Medical courier services follow the same regulations, such as HIPAA, to keep your supplies secure. All transactions are confidential, and supplies are transported securely.

Delivery predictions are accurate, and the software can help provide the trust you need when using a new courier service. Couriers are also available 24/7/365.

Same-day Medical Service Delivery

You do not want to worry about inefficient medical deliveries in the fast-paced medical field. Focus your time on providing quality patient care and medical services to clients. A medical service courier will manage your deliveries with confidentiality, efficiency, and respect.

Are you interested in using a medical courier in Virginia? Errandables is here to help with same-day delivery solutions for the medical industry and other sectors. Contact us today

8 April
Business Errand Services

The Pros and Cons of Operating an Errand Service Business

In the fast-paced world we live in, time is a commodity many are willing to pay for. Errand services have emerged as a solution for those too busy to manage daily tasks such as grocery shopping, laundry pick-up, and bill payments. This article delves into the intricacies of running an errand service, highlighting the potential benefits and challenges one might face. With the right approach, an errand service can be a rewarding venture, but it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before diving in.

The Growing Demand for Errand Services

The modern lifestyle often leaves little room for errands, propelling the demand for errand services to new heights. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global personal services market size was valued at USD 1.2 trillion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% from 2021 to 2028. This growth is indicative of the increasing need for services that offer convenience and time-saving solutions.

Starting Your Errand Service: What You Need to Know

Advantages of Running an Errand Service

Flexibility and Autonomy

As the owner of an errand service, you have the freedom to set your schedule and choose the tasks you’re willing to undertake. This autonomy allows you to balance work with personal life effectively.

Low Entry Barrier

Starting an errand service doesn’t require specialized training or certifications, making it accessible to many. However, having experience in customer service or as a personal assistant can be advantageous.

Building Relationships

Providing errand services can lead to forming strong, lasting connections with clients, which can be both personally and professionally rewarding.

Digital Marketing Opportunities

In today’s digital age, establishing an online presence through social media and other digital platforms can significantly enhance your business’s visibility and reach.

Drawbacks of Running an Errand Service

Economic Sensitivity

Errand services can be vulnerable to economic downturns, as clients may cut back on non-essential spending during tough times.

Managing Client Expectations

Some clients may have high or unreasonable demands, and as a service provider, you’ll need to navigate these challenges while maintaining professionalism.

Navigating the Challenges

Economic Fluctuations and Client Retention

During economic downturns, errand services may experience a decline in clientele. It’s crucial to have a financial buffer and a strategy for attracting new customers during such periods.

Dealing with Diverse Clientel

Handling a wide range of personalities and expectations is part of the job. Developing strong communication and conflict-resolution skills is essential to maintain a positive reputation and client relationships.

Conclusion: Is an Errand Service Right for You?

Errand services are more than a convenience; they’ve become an essential aspect of modern life for many. If you’re considering starting an errand service, thorough research and preparation are key. Understand the market, know your strengths, and be ready to adapt to the challenges that come with running a service-based business.

To learn about effective digital marketing strategies for your errand service, explore resources provided by the Digital Marketing Institute here.

Remember, while the errand service industry offers numerous opportunities, success hinges on your ability to balance the advantages with the potential drawbacks.

8 April
Unlocking Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting Your Own Errand Service Business

Errand services are flattering more and more in demand in today fast-paced environment when competence is vital and time is of the spirit. There is a growing market for companies that give to people and administrations searching for aid with errands, whether it be because of busy lifestyles, inadequate mobility, or just a wish to outsource work. You have come to the perfect location if you have been thinking about starting your own errand service company. We will lead you finished everything you need to know to get started and succeed in this fulfilling endeavor in this inclusive blog.

Understanding the Market

Carefully researching your target market is indispensable before starting your errand service company. Determine who your target market is busy professionals, the elderly, families, or businesses, and assess what their specific wants and pain points are. Your business strategy will be based on taking into account the services that your potential clients need and the demand that exists in your location.

Crafting Your Business Plan

A carefully considered business plan serves as your success road map. Explain your target market, pricing strategy, and offerings. Control your start-up costs and any necessary marketing, insurance, transportation, and equipment costs. Provide a brief summary of your active approach for handling day-to-day activities professionally, as well as you’re marketing and sales tactics. A concise and well-written business plan will not only direct your initial actions but also act as a point of reference as your company expands.

Legal Considerations and Licensing

Take care of the legalities before you formally open for business as an errand service provider. Obtain any necessary licenses or permits, register your company name and structure, and make sure it complies with local laws.

Building Your Brand

A distinctive brand identity helps you stand out from the competition and builds credibility with your target market. Create a memorable brand name, logo, and visual identity that accurately reflects your company goals and values. Create a professional online presence on social media and a website where you may display your offerings, client endorsements, and contact details. Having consistent branding throughout all of your touchpoints helps prospective customers identify and recall your company and reinforces your dependability.

Setting Up Operations

Processes and services morals are unconditionally important for achieving excellence in service provision, whereas meeting and exceeding stakeholder’s expectations. As an alternative, generate an effective and sustainable transportation system, whether it is a car or a bike, suitable for completing frequent errands easily. Implement key actions for an effective flow of work as well as scheduling, and keeping it in order using mobile apps and scheduling software which will speed up the processes. Make communication a priority and being responsive to them becomes a major factor in the smooth coordination with clients and punctuality on errand completion.

Marketing and Promotion

Marketing being the key to draw clients and to garner a business, is not enough. Go on promoting your brand through all digital and physical channels in order to reach your required audience. Exploit social media, web directories, and social network portals for awareness creation on your services. Provide promotional offerings and price discounts for the novice customers so as to motivate them to make your business their first choice on repeat occasions. A second influential element is the word-of-mouth referral and this makes it crucial to deliver impeccable service and establish favorable bonds with your audience.

Providing Exceptional Service

Finally, a crucial aspect of the service of the errand business of yours is the high service level. Pursue so as to be excellent and go beyond customer expectations through being quick, reliable, and personal service. Adapt yourself based on each one’s specifics and taste. Don’t forget to exceed the expectations and give more than what is expected. Be an active listener and see to it that you use the kind of client feedbacks to come up with better and innovative services. Professionally delivering the buyer’s needs within the specified time frame will favor your business not only as a popular choice for coming clients but also as a business with a large number of loyal repeat clients.


Launching an errand service company presents a special chance to satisfy the busy society’s increasing need for assistance and convenience. You may set yourself up for success by knowing your target market, creating a strong business plan, and highlighting first-rate customer service. Your entrepreneurial vision can become a successful errand service firm that significantly improves your clients’ lives with meticulous planning, perseverance, and a dedication to quality.

5 April
Importance of Personal Errands Service
A personal concierge is a professional service provider who assists individuals with various chores and errands, helping them manage their personal and professional lives more efficiently.

What tasks does a personal concierge do?

Tasks can range from very simple, day-to-day chores to more complex and time-consuming
responsibilities. Personal concierges aim to alleviate the burden of managing numerous tasks,
allowing their clients to focus on their priorities and enjoy a better work-life balance.
Here are some common tasks:
  1. Errand running: Your personal concierge can take care of your grocery shopping, pick up dry cleaning, mail packages as well as many other miscellaneous errands.
  2. Event planning: They can assist with organizing and coordinating events such as parties, gatherings and special occasions.
  3. Home services: Many offer a variety of home services to make life more enjoyable such as light housekeeping, laundry and food preparation.
  4. Personal shopping: Your concierge can do gift shopping, returns and exchanges, as well as purchase common household items.
  5. Home management: When travelling for business or pleasure, a concierge can oversee your home and ensure that it is in tip-top shape upon your return.
  6. Home waiting: Your personal concierge often offers services such as waiting for technicians, deliveries and repairs.
  7. Home organization: They assist with decluttering, editing and organizing spaces within the home or office

Why would I choose to hire a personal concierge service?

  • Time saving: A personal concierge can handle time-consuming chores, freeing up your schedule to focus on more important or enjoyable activities.
  • Convenience: They provide a one-stop solution for various tasks, reducing the need to deal with multiple service providers.
  • Expertise and contacts: Personal concierges often have a network of contacts and can tap into their resources to fulfill requests more efficiently.
  • Stress reduction: Delegating tasks to a personal concierge can help reduce stress and overwhelm, leading to improved mental well-being.
  • Increased productivity: By offloading non-core tasks, you can concentrate on your work or other pursuits more effectively.
  • Customization: They tailor their services to your specific needs and preferences, providing a personalized approach to manage your life.
It’s important to note that the need for a personal concierge service varies from person to person. Ultimately, whether you need a personal concierge depends on your lifestyle, priorities and willingness to invest in the convenience and support they offer.
Erranadables is your Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge personal concierge service.
28 March
Virtual Assistant Services

What is a virtual assistant?

So what does a virtual assistant do? A virtual assistant is an independent contractor that offers administrative services to a company remotely. The term “virtual assistant” emerged in the 90s to describe the burgeoning trend of virtual work— thanks to major technological innovations, workers could begin sharing documents and taking important business calls from outside their offices.

Virtual assistants have surged in popularity over the last few decades due to the evolving nature of business. Many companies are opting to save money on large office spaces and bloated teams, and instead are investing in flexible work arrangements and schedules. The result is a more agile and modern approach to team organization and project management.

Types of Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants come with different skills and specializations. Each one can help you with a specific function or department of your business. Below are just a few examples of the different types of virtual assistants available:

1. Bookkeeper – Great with accounting and tracking budgets for various projects.
2. Administrative Assistant – Schedules meetings, completes routine reporting, and handles communication between executives and outside entities.
3. Scribe – Types notes during meetings or presentations.
4. Social media manager – Handles the company’s various social accounts.
6. Designer – Designs presentations, infographics, logos, flyers, and other visual collateral.
7. Research Analyst – Conducts research tasks or interviews and analyzes business data.

The role of a virtual assistant can also change depending on the business. Some companies may even hire virtual assistants that handle multiple responsibilities at once.

4 Benefits Of Having A Virtual Assistant

Reduce operating costs

Virtual assistants can provide inexpensive yet invaluable services to your company, allowing your operations to reduce cost. They may also allow you to hire a freelance assistant on an as-needed, rather than full or part-time basis.

Save time on initiatives and projects

Many of the tasks undertaken by virtual assistants tend to be somewhat tactical or repetitive, such as taking notes or submitting weekly or monthly expense reports. These tasks can take away from more pressing issues, such as client meetings or lead generation. When leaders delegate time-consuming tasks to virtual assistants, they can focus on the more important tasks on their agenda.

Greater work efficiency

Leaders aren’t the only ones that benefit— other team members may also have a lot on their plate and need either temporary or more regular assistance. Social media managers, for instance, are most effective when they can assign writing, research, or graphic design to assistants, allowing them to focus on editing and delivery.

A healthier, more flexible work environment

Remote work has the potential to transform the culture of your company. Letting your team members work from wherever they are can have a tremendous impact on employee wellness. Consider a pregnant mother needing some time away from the office or a digital native that prefers working on the go. Both of these employees can accomplish their work like anyone else, but the ability to work remotely may give them greater satisfaction as they more easily balance other demands or desires.

5 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help Grow Your Business

Data entry

Finance, accounting, and data firms rely on carefully organized information, whether it’s a balance sheet or the results of a large-scale study. While the act of data entry is relatively simple, it can be monotonous, particularly if your skills are better applied elsewhere. Having a dedicated virtual assistant to focus on data entry can free up your schedule while developing a more accurate means of data collection.

Customer service

According to Microsoft, 96% of consumers say customer service is an important factor in their choice of loyalty to a brand. Customer service, despite its necessity in modern business, continues to be a secondary priority for many organizations. As a result, potential leads and loyal customers risk having negative experiences that can significantly impact their brand loyalty and satisfaction. Having someone, even if a virtual assistant, facilitate these customer inquiries can have real impact on a company’s reputation.

Administrative tasks

Scheduling meetings, following up on email communications, maintaining records… these are tasks simple enough that they can be done by just about anyone. But to do them well, it’s worth hiring someone that specializes in this type of work. With fewer administrative tasks to keep up with, your team will have more time to focus on areas where they can add real value based on their distinctive skillsets.

Sales outreach

Sales are vital to the lifeblood of a business, but outreach and activity tracking processes are often major time investments. Many virtual assistants are trained to handle cold calling, email campaigns, and other logistical efforts. Since many of these tasks can be done over the phone or on a laptop, it can be the perfect job for a virtual assistant.

Social media management

Despite the widespread use of social media in today’s society, many business leaders still fail to see its value – often this is because it takes so much time to deliver truly engaging content, consistently. A virtual assistant dedicated to social media can make all the difference—ensuring your company maintains an online presence while creating a two-way channel for loyal customers.

How Much Does A Virtual Assistant Cost?

Virtual assistant fees can vary greatly depending on several factors, including type and frequency of work, level of professional experience, country of origin, and technical expertise needed. Below are sample rates for different types of virtual assistants.

Administrative Professional, Data Entry

Description: Proofreading, data entry, clerical work, research, Excel, etc.
Average Hourly Rate: $12 – 20
Average Monthly Fee (20 hrs/wk): $960 – 1,600
Average Monthly Fee (40 hrs/wk): $1,920 – 3,200

Marketing VA, Customer Service, Accounting Support

Description: Copywriting, budgets/accounting, marketing support, customer support, CRM software experience, email marketing, social media marketing; software like PowerPoint, Quickbooks, Salesforce, WordPress, etc.
Average Hourly Rate: $20 – 35+
Average Monthly Fee (20 hrs/wk): $1,600 – 2,800
Average Monthly Fee (40 hrs/wk): $3,200 – 5,600

Advanced VA, Consultant, Executive Assistant

Description: Business consulting, content management, project management, advanced IT/site management, web development, and server management
Average Hourly Rate: $38 – 50
Average Monthly Fee (20 hrs/wk): $3,040 – 4,000
Average Monthly Fee (40 hrs/wk): $6,080 – 8,000

Source: Upwork, freelancers in North America with over 1,000 hours and 90% success rate.

Where Can You Find A Virtual Assistant?

Now that you know why to get a virtual assistant and how much it might cost, it’s time to find one. Just like searching for any other new hire, you have to look in several places.


With over 12 million freelancers around the world, Upwork has built a reputation as the largest freelance marketplace in the world. With that status, however, comes a few challenges. For one, Upwork has a notorious support system that fails to assist both freelancers and companies in the event of a contract breach. Companies on Upwork will also have to deal with a tricky algorithm that prioritizes high-paying jobs. Nevertheless, you won’t find a more substantial pool of talent to source your next virtual assistant. We recommend carefully reviewing their profile and work history before contracting a VA to work.


Based in Tel-Aviv, Fiverr is another freelance platform that has become a household name. Fiverr freelancers offer a host of services, including website design, translation, copywriting, SEO, data entry, and much more. The platform is frequently used by companies like Facebook, Google, MIT, Netflix, and PayPal. Unlike Upwork, Fiverr services are charged as flat fees, starting at $5 up to several thousand.

Social Media

You’d be surprised how many assistants you can find on LinkedIn. LinkedIn’s Profinder works similarly to Upwork or Fiverr: list the service that you want, hash out the details (one-time project or ongoing, deadlines), and receive up to five free offers from on-demand professionals. Social media groups on Facebook and LinkedIn are also effective ways to find virtual assistants with specific talents.

Virtual Assistant Agency

Working with an agency is one of the quickest, most efficient, and reliable means of connecting with a virtual assistant. Places like Zirtual and VA Networking offer easy access to countless skilled assistants and have even been featured on Entrepreneur, StartupNation, Inc., and Reader’s Digest. Many VA agencies also provide additional resources, training, and coaching for these freelancers, so they will likely be more prepared and better fits for the job than someone you may find elsewhere.

How To Hire & Manage A Virtual Assistant

Set expectations from the start

Always start with the scope of the project and the responsibilities expected of the virtual assistant. How much time should the project take? How will the VA be paid? What is considered in-scope, and what is a stretch goal? These are the types of questions you want to be asking yourself because it is very likely your virtual assistant will ask once hired. That’s why it’s crucial to provide clear guidelines and process documents such as an SOW (Scope of Work) to set the scope and responsibilities; this prevents any confusion and enhances the likelihood of success.

Define a daily schedule

Once all the contracts are signed, the next step is to define a consistent schedule for work or checking in. Because virtual assistants are not physically present in the office, it can be challenging to ensure they stay on task or communicate clearly. Speak with the virtual assistant about their availability, and find overlaps between your company schedule and their schedule. If they live overseas, you’ll also have to take the time difference into account.

Define a budget

One of the most compelling reasons to hire a virtual assistant is cost—virtual assistants are by far more affordable than full-time hires. But without a budget, you can easily spend more than you intend to. In setting up a project for a VA, create estimates for how long each task should take, and accordingly, how much each task will cost based on the VA’s rate. Be as upfront as possible about your budget, and you can avoid potential fallouts or disagreements regarding compensation.

Track time and tasks

Accountability is key when it comes to remote work. Nothing stops a virtual assistant from claiming to have worked on something when they haven’t, or conversely, spending hours on a project but not having it tracked. While self-tracking is based on a code of honor, it’s still an effective way to keep tabs on project completion and overall workload. Use project management apps like Mavenlink, Asana, or Basecamp to evaluate the overall progress and efficiency of your virtual assistants.

Provide useful performance feedback

To truly support and push your virtual assistants to improve, provide them with monthly or even quarterly reports; this can be as simple as a quick one-on-one conversation, but it is most important to address the greatest strengths and opportunities for improvement. Your virtual assistant will appreciate the honesty and repay the gesture through their efforts.

Virtual assistants are more than just remote workers. They can form the backbone of your business even as you work on other tasks. Their work may not always impact the bottom line directly. Still, their presence can be felt by everyone on the team, particularly when they can shift their focus from more repetitive tasks (such as social media or data entry) to other priorities. Give them the proper goals and guidance, and virtual assistants can genuinely transform the way your team operates.

25 March
Procurement Services

7 Reasons Why Outsourcing Procurement Services is Exactly What Your Business Needs

If you’re in a product-based business, procurement is key to your success. It’d be tough to manufacture all your own parts and materials. In some cases, it might even be impossible. Either way, things run much more smoothly if you can work with other reliable companies to supply the parts and materials needed in your business. Finding those suppliers and working with them is the job of the procurement department.

Though procurement is vital for companies, coming up with an effective procurement solution can be a hassle. As your business grows and procurement becomes more complex, it can quickly turn into more work than you and your existing employees can manage in the time you have. One solution is to hire more people. However, that’s going to cost your company money as well as time to train new employees. It’s not necessarily going to solve all your problems, either. Procurement outsourcing services are an alternative solution that might be a great fit for your company.

Why Outsourcing Can Be Better Than Hiring

If you’re noticing issues in your procurement process, just having more people working there won’t automatically simplify the process or solve the problems you’re facing. If there are issues in your procurement process, then you’d need to overhaul your system as well as hire additional help.

One solution to problems in procurement is to automate the procurement process through a Software as a Service company. This can be a great choice if you want to keep your procurement in-house but outsource the process automation. However, that solution still means you’ll need people working in the procurement department. If you’d rather focus on doing something else instead of worrying about whether or not your procurement system is working, there’s another solution that might work better for you.

To avoid difficulties associated with in-house procurement, you can outsource your procurement solutions. Letting another company handle your procurement system might seem odd at first. You know what your company needs, and it isn’t unusual to want to stay in control of procuring the supplies essential to your business. But using procurement outsourcing companies to outsource procurement doesn’t necessarily mean you’re losing control. It also comes with quite a few benefits. Keep reading to discover seven reasons why outsourcing can be better than do-it-yourself procurement.

1) Choose Your Level of Control

When you’re looking at the possibility of outsourcing procurement, there are a couple of things to consider. The first option is that you can outsource all your procurement so that a third-party outsourcing company handles the purchases for you. With this option, you also get to decide whether to outsource all your purchases or to only outsource your non-core spend and keep more sensitive procurement in-house.

Another option is to outsource your procurement management system to an online Software as a Service program that is easy for your in-house staff to handle. Using online procurement software lets you retain more direct control over everyday purchasing. There are some great advantages to automating, but choosing this option means you miss out on some other advantages of outsourcing your procurement. With more direct control comes more time spent on procurement and more responsibility that falls on your employees.

If procurement is something you’d rather not have to worry about, then outsourcing is the way you’ll want to go. In this article, we’ll be focusing on the advantages of outsourcing your procurement. You can learn more about the benefits of procurement automation by clicking here.

2) Gain Procurement Expertise

The people working in your company are experts on the products you create and the services you provide. They might not be experts in procurement, though, especially if you’re trying to keep your expenses low. Maintaining a department that’s exclusively devoted to managing procurement just isn’t practical for every business. This is why outsourcing is an excellent idea.

Instead of trusting your procurement solutions to someone who’d be better suited for another job, you can turn them over to a real expert. Procurement outsourcing companies have the experience needed to give you the best possible procurement solutions. They also have the skills, resources, and knowledge to strategize more efficiently. All of this comes together to make your company’s procurements as successful as possible.

3) Lower Your Costs

You probably already know that managing procurement from within your organization can be expensive. In contrast, companies that specialize in creating procurement solutions face much smaller expenses. Instead of wasting money in-house, you could save by relying on a procurement outsourcing service provider with lower overhead costs. That lets you cut your own overhead.

In addition, you’ll also be saving money in more ways than just processing costs. Outsourcing procurement lowers costs because you won’t be devoting office space or IT resources to maintaining an in-house procurement system. You’re also cutting back in terms of headcount and training. You won’t have to hire anyone new to run procurement. You’ll also free up the employees already working on procurement so they can focus on other tasks.

Taken together, all these cutbacks lower your transaction cost per procurement. Even if the amount saved per procurement is small, it’s going to quickly add up to significant savings.

4) Return To Your Core Focus

Outsourcing means your procurement system will be handled by purchasing experts. By shifting those responsibilities, you’ll also enable the experts at your company to focus on their own specialties. They’ll no longer be distracted by tracking down the best suppliers, comparing costs, and generating purchase orders. They get to focus on value-added areas where they use their unique skills to the best advantage.

As a result of outsourcing, you’ll have more time to spend on providing better products and services to your customers. The procurement outsourcing company will take care of purchasing tasks essential to your business while freeing up your people to focus on delivering the best possible customer experience. Since you’re cutting back on costs, you’ll also get to enjoy increased profits while supplying better service.

5) Enjoy Greater Access

Procurement experts have access to supplier databases both international and local. This means that they can help you choose from among a far greater number of suppliers than you might find working on your own. They also have the contacts and market leverage necessary to make sure you always get the best deal on products you need for your business.

With this increased access, you will be able to ensure better quality and prices on all your procurements. You’ll have a whole team of procurement experts working for you, giving your company access to the best possible opportunities. And you’ll get all that without having to set up a separate procurement department inside your own company or hire additional employees.

6) Adapt To Change More Quickly

Being able to adapt to change quickly is a definite advantage in today’s business world. This is particularly true in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing supply chain issues. However, adapting is hard to do in procurement if you’re using a manual, in-house system. Setting up an agile procurement system using an automated software solution is one option. But this would still require your employees to spend quite a bit of time keeping on top of things.

Outsourcing will give you the advantages of agile procurement without the extra in-house work. Agile procurement responds quickly to supply chain disruptions and changing prices. It’s one of the big advantages you should be looking for when implementing a new procurement solution.

When you outsource procurement, you’re hiring a team to keep track of all these procurement concerns for your business. They’ll be on top of catching price reductions and doing their best to make sure you aren’t stuck without needed supplies if one of your suppliers runs out.

7) Streamline Productivity

When you outsource your procurement solution, all the advantages that we just talked about are going to help streamline your company’s productivity. Outsourcing lets your employees focus on using their strengths by skipping over dealing with purchasing. That helps streamline their workflow as well as company operations.

In addition, the expertise and adaptability of the procurement outsourcing company you hire allow for increased productivity and efficiency. Procurement experts can move things along more smoothly than most in-house departments could. They have a decided advantage in terms of access to information and expertise. In short, things are simply going to run more smoothly when you don’t have to worry about managing procurement.

Pros and Cons of Procurement Outsourcing Services

Though there are many great things about outsourcing procurement, there are also a few risks. For example, there may be legal or security risks if you accidentally partner with an unreliable supplier. You can avoid most potential downsides by choosing a reliable provider for procurement outsourcing.

It’s important to thoroughly vet the company you’re going to work with. Make sure you retain a reliable outsourcer that stands behind their procurement solutions and offers responsive customer service. You want someone who’s going to help you make sure your new procurement solution improves things for your company.

This is where errandables can help. We have a history of providing reliable business process outsourcing solutions. By outsourcing with us or using our procurement and purchase orders software, you’ll keep your data secure and streamline the procurement process. Our customer’s satisfaction and security are our highest concerns. We aim to make sure that when you choose to outsource your procurement solutions with us, it will mean increased success for your company. We’re with you every step of the way, making sure your procurement solution delivers all the benefits you’re looking for. Contact us today for more information on outsourcing your procurement!

Short-Term Rental Manager Advantages in 2024: Will It Work for You?

Advantages of being a short-term rental manager:

Our recent report shows that the growth potential in the vacation rental industry is immense. And with few barriers to entry and the right modern tools, you can start capitalizing on this right away as you look to take advantage of the following benefits.

Lots of flexibility 

With third-party property management companies and automation tools, you can be as involved or uninvolved as you like with short-term rental management. You may choose to just rent out your second home, for example, keeping it free for a few weeks in the year for your own vacation. Or you might want to invest in and manage a number of properties and maximize your returns.

High occupancy and rising demand 

Research shows that short-term rental occupancy levels in 2024 are forecast to remain higher than pre-pandemic levels at over 56%, reflecting the fact that demand in the US STR market is expected to grow by 5.5% year over year.

So, though rising inflation and a lack of international travelers has curtailed some of the growth in the industry, there’s a lot of optimism, with domestic consumers continuing to seek out travel opportunities.

Easy Entry 

With just a small team and the right set of tools, you can set up a thriving short-term rental business. You can have your property available on the STR market in minutes simply by booking in a cleaner, taking some pictures, setting up an account on an OTA like Airbnb, and managing everything inside a great property management system.

And if you’re moving from long-term property management into short-term, you’ll bring contacts and expertise that make it easy for you to manage the properties yourself. Got a broken boiler that needs fixing immediately before your next guests arrive? You’ll definitely have the number of a plumber!

9 March
Start Personal Errand Services

Today’s busy professionals can rarely find enough time to do all their errands, and that’s where you come in, with a business able to check a few boxes off their to-do list. You could be a virtual assistant, start a courier or delivery service, remove junk, prepare meals or do personal shopping.

In this era of convenience, more and more people like to delegate their minor tasks, which means greater demand and real opportunity for the capable entrepreneur. Start down the road to success by checking out our list of excellent errand business ideas below.

1. Virtual Assistant

The job didn’t even exist 20 years ago, but now, thanks to new technologies and the sharp increase in remote work during the pandemic, the virtual assistant industry is booming. After years of strong growth, the market is expected to be worth more than $4 billion by 2025. That means now is a fantastic time to start your own virtual assistant business.

To be clear, we’re talking about a human, not a digital or AI-powered, assistant, who provides administrative, technical, and creative services to clients remotely, via the internet. If you have a strong business skillset, you can get started with a minimal investment and run the company out of your own home while serving clients anywhere in the world. You could also add more skills over time, increasing your revenue streams and the rates you’re able to charge.

With hard work and a bit of luck, you’ll soon be helping businesses run more smoothly and efficiently while making good money for yourself.

2. Cargo Van Delivery

Thanks to the increasing popularity of online shopping and the corresponding need for last-mile services, cargo van delivery offers great potential. The US retail e-commerce market is set to continue growing rapidly and exceed $1.3 trillion in value by 2025. If you have a cargo van, you can take advantage of this stellar market performance by starting your own cargo delivery business.

There are many ways to get going. Aside from a van, it would be wise to invest in the tools and equipment needed to secure your cargo as well as load or unload this safely. You’ll also need to comply with applicable laws as well as licensing and insurance requirements. Since you’ll be competing with established brands, it is important to differentiate your business. For example, you can offer several options like door-to-door delivery or same-day delivery services. With a lot of hard work and a good marketing strategy, you can deliver serious success!

3. Errand Running

Busy executives and older adults who find it hard to move about will likely be your top clients if you start an errand running business. Just focusing on the older population provides the errand services industry a huge potential customer base. More than 50 million Americans are age 65 and older, and that number is rising fast.

So what does an errand runner do? You take or pick up clothes from the cleaners, fill the car with gas, pick up a prescription, and get groceries. You might want to focus on a few services and develop your own niche, or do whatever your client asks you to do. It will be a matter of time management and you will have the flexibility to set your own schedule. You will need to research the market, though, and find out the prevailing rates. Most errand runners charge by the hour instead of by task.

4. Senior Transportation

By 2030, more than 72 million Americans will be age 65 and older, and they’ll need a great deal of transportation and elderly care services. If you’re on the lookout for a great business opportunity, you might consider getting into senior transport.

Start your business by understanding your target market. Older adults still need to get around to visit a doctor, shop for necessities, or see friends and loved ones. But most can no longer drive due to visual impairment and other challenges that increase the risk of road accidents. Public transport units usually have accessibility features, but seniors might have difficulty navigating stairs or walking between stops.

You also have to find out whether seniors need other services. Do they need care providers or just drivers? What is their budget? The answers to these questions will help you determine the type of fleet and service model to use. With your senior transportation business, you can look forward to making a profit and helping seniors maintain their mobility and independence as well.

5. Assisted Living

The US’ fast-growing elderly population is driving expansion in the assisted living market, which is expected to grow 5% annually through 2027. If you’re an entrepreneur with a background in health care, you might consider riding this wave to success. It’s a great way to make a positive impact in your community while making a living.

Before you start your assisted living business, it’s important for you to assess the competitive landscape and determine the services that you will offer. You’ll need to comply with the zoning and licensing requirements. It’s also a good idea to study the possible legal issues, hire the right people, and decide which amenities to provide. Most assisted living facilities have gardens, a library, entertainment and a doctor on call. This business needs hefty investments, but the potential for financial rewards is great. So start drawing up the building plans for the best assisted living facility in your area.

6. Junk Removal

You’ve probably heard that real estate has been booming of late. But you may not realize that this also means the construction industry has been doing well, which consequently means that demand for junk removal services has been on the rise. The construction of new office buildings and residential properties creates massive amounts of waste and used materials. As a result, the US waste removal industry is now worth $60 billion and seeing steady growth, and if you don’t mind a bit of heavy lifting, now is an excellent time to start your own junk removal business.

It’s probably easier than you think. You’ll need a truck, as well as the right tools and equipment — both of which you could find with a bit of online digging. Most likely, you’ll also need a commercial driver’s license, as some of the loads you haul are likely to exceed the weight limit allowed under a normal license. Finally, you’ll want to reach out to contractors, construction firms, developers and property managers to offer your services.

A smart approach is to offer a discount to attract your initial clients. Then, once you’ve delivered fantastic service, the referrals, and the cash, should start rolling in.

7.Hand Car Wash

If you’re looking for a low-cost business idea, why not start a hand car wash business? It’s easy to start, requires minimal investment, and a great way to make money. Americans wash or have their cars washed at least every two weeks, and many car owners still prefer the traditional method of washing by hand instead of automated car washing.

Hand car washes are more thorough as there are areas in the car that machines can’t reach, can prevent premature rusting with the use of steam, and are more eco-friendly since there won’t be any toxic runoffs. You could also run a mobile hand car wash business, and wash cars at people’s homes and offices.

A hand car wash business can be operated as a standalone business or as a part of a larger service business, such as an auto detailing shop. It is important to identify a target market and craft a marketing strategy to attract customers. It’s also a good idea to get on social media, start offering your services to your family and friends, and establish a referral network.

8. Personal Shopper

A surge in online shopping has opened plenty of opportunities for personal shoppers. At Walmart, for example, the number of personal shoppers has more than doubled. If you’ve mastered some shopping skills, you might want to grab this opportunity to start a personal shopper business.

Personal shoppers make money by shopping for other people. They usually shop for clothing and accessories, although they can also shop for groceries and other essentials. In the US, there are more than 33,000 personal shoppers and the number is increasing.

Before you get started, it’s important to sharpen your shopping skills, such as putting together great outfits, negotiating the lowest price, keeping track of sales, and more. It’s to your advantage to identify your target market. Some personal shoppers provide services directly to their clients while some work for stylists, department stores, or markets. More Americans are turning to personal shoppers for their needs, so it’s time to brush up on your shopping skills and make some cash.

9. Delivery Service

The US courier and local delivery services industry performed strongly during the pandemic as people stuck at home placed a lot of online orders. The industry has seen strong 5% annual growth since 2017 and expanded to nearly $135 billion in 2022. If you’re looking for opportunity, look no further than delivery.

A delivery service can be run from your home, but you’ll need to invest in a van if you don’t have one. You’ll be competing with Instacart, Amazon, and other big players, so it’s a good idea to devise a strong business plan that includes a creative and aggressive marketing strategy. Once you’ve established your brand of service, your delivery business can be highly profitable.

10. Courier Service

If you’re looking for a way to make extra money, starting your own courier business could be the perfect solution. You can work as much or as little as you want to start off, and there’s no need for expensive equipment or training. You’ll just need a reliable vehicle, good insurance and decent driving ability.

Best of all, the market is growing fast, thanks to people spending more time at home and the rise of delivery apps like InstaCart, DoorDash and more, so there’s real opportunity in this line of work. Particularly if you already have a car, this is a low-cost venture with little risk and strong profit potential. To get started you just need to sign up as a driver for one of your local delivery apps and start making pick ups and deliveries.

Once you’ve built a reputation, you could start offering your courier services to area businesses, which tend to pay more. If your services are reliable, you’ll likely get referrals and, sooner than you might imagine, you’ll be able to establish a successful business.

11. Meal Prep

People are busy these days, and always on the look-out for more convenience. That’s why meal prep is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. If you’re good in the kitchen and would like to share your tasty creations with the world, you might consider starting your own meal prep business.

It doesn’t cost a great deal of money, because you can start the business in your home and online. You could offer on-demand dishes, for people just looking for a healthy dinner they can pop in the oven. You could offer goal-oriented meal plans, for people with dietary concerns and limitations. Or you could offer fully prepared meals, such as sandwiches and burritos, that people can store and eat whenever they choose. Or you could get really ambitious and offer all of the above!

The key, of course, will be creating affordable, healthy dishes that appeal to your local market. If you can do that, you’ll be well on your way to meal prep success.

12. Grocery Delivery

Global online grocery delivery has grown nearly 30% since the pandemic began, and this stellar performance is expected to continue through 2024 as a lot of people continue to stay or work from home. With online grocery shopping, consumers no longer have to spend time queuing in supermarkets. They simply browse a retailer’s website or app, choose their items, check out and wait for delivery.

If you’re thinking of starting a grocery delivery business, now’s the time to do it. You have at least three options: operate your own delivery service, work with a franchise, or sign up with an established retailer. Consider carefully the pros and cons of each option before deciding on which business model to choose. Assess the competition as well and identify possible clients if you’re going to give it a go on your own. Whatever your decision, opportunity awaits.


20 February
Virtual Assistance services in USA

Virtual Assistance services in USA

Virtual specialists help your organization grow and excel without the added stress of having to do everything on your own. For your overall well-being, it is important that you strive to strike an almost perfect balance between work and personal life. This is not an unattainable goal even if your work seems to take most of your time. There are many people who just prefer to defend why they prioritize their work instead of also prioritizing personal wants and needs.

Our Virtual Assistance & Concierge Service combines the ease of online order placement with the personalized touch of a dedicated and capable concierge team that serves you remotely.

Get started by having your VA set up meetings, manage your busy schedule and streamline all the information that pours into your inbox. They can help remind you of that important call, deal with the phone company, track your packages and plan your weekend getaway.

  • Calendar & Schedule Management
  • eMail Management
  • Personal and Family Calendar Management
  • Meeting and Appointment Booking
  • Preparing the Client Presentation
  • Time Consuming Research
  • Restaurant Reservations
  • Search for Event Tickets
  • Content Writing and Business Proposals
  • Market research for new business ideas
  • Act as a Recruitment consultant
  • Set up meetings
  • Research schools, daycare, nanny services, etc.
  • Research best flights
  • Research hotel accommodations
  • Archive all your emails
  • Assist with marketing
  • Research vendors; lawn care, plumbers, electricians, etc.
  • Update your contacts
  • Follow up on business leads
  • Diary Management
  • Tele Calling

What Is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is an independent contractor who provides administrative services to clients while operating outside of the client’s office. A virtual assistant typically operates from a home office but can access the necessary planning documents, such as shared calendars, remotely.

People employed as virtual assistants often have several years of experience as an administrative assistant or office manager. New opportunities are opening up for virtual assistants who are skilled in social media, content management, blog post writing, graphic design, and internet marketing. As working from home has become more accepted for both workers and employers, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for skilled virtual assistants is expected to grow.

  • A virtual assistant is a self-employed worker who specializes in offering administrative services to clients from a remote location, usually a home office.
  • Typical tasks a virtual assistant might perform include scheduling appointments, making phone calls, making travel arrangements, and managing email accounts.
  • Some virtual assistants specialize in offering graphic design, blog writing, bookkeeping, social media, and marketing services.
  • For an employer, one advantage of hiring a virtual assistant is the flexibility to contract for just the services they need.

How a Virtual Assistant Works

Virtual assistants have become more prominent as small businesses and startups rely on virtual offices to keep costs down and businesses of all sizes increase their use of the internet for daily operations. Because a virtual assistant is an independent contractor, a business does not have to provide the same benefits or pay the same taxes that it would for a full-time employee. A virtual assistant is different from a salaried administrative assistant who works from home and would have the same compensation and same tax structure as any other full-time employee.

Also, since the virtual assistant works offsite, there is no need for a desk or other workspace at the company’s office. A virtual assistant is expected to pay for and provide their own computer equipment, commonly used software programs, and high-speed Internet service.

Virtual Assistant Duties

The specific duties of a virtual assistant vary according to the needs of the client and the terms of the contract. Some virtual assistants handle clerical and bookkeeping tasks, while others may post regular updates to social media or write articles for a blog. A well-rounded virtual assistant may also handle travel arrangements, appointment scheduling, data entry, and online file storage.

Virtual Assistant Qualifications

While there are no hard-and-fast educational requirements to become a virtual assistant, many clients will look for virtual assistants who have some higher-level education or specialized training. A few online companies and community colleges offer courses and certification for virtual assistant skills.

A virtual assistant should be tech-savvy, having a wide range of computer skills and a high level of proficiency with commonly used software and business programs. A virtual assistant who specializes in bookkeeping should be adept at basic accounting tasks, such as account reconciliations and double-entry bookkeeping.

Benefits of a Virtual Assistant

For the client, one advantage of hiring a virtual assistant is the flexibility to contract for just the services they need. Depending on the terms of the agreement, some virtual assistants may be paid by the task rather than by the hour. In contrast, employees in a traditional office setting usually must be paid for a fixed number of hours per day.

For small business owners, hiring a virtual assistant can help them free up valuable hours to focus on growing the business and generating revenue. It can be easier and more cost-effective to outsource tasks that are tedious and time-consuming, to someone who is skilled at them.

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

With the increasing number of freelance contractors who work from home, the employment market has seen a proliferation of Web-based companies that serve as intermediaries between prospective employers and contractors. Some freelancer sites have enormous work pools made up of individuals across the globe with a wide range of experience and expertise.

On these sites, clients can post details about the type of tasks they need the virtual assistant to perform and the maximum rate they are willing to pay. Freelance workers may then bid on the job and give the client samples of their work for review. In some cases, the client can set up a video conference to interview the applicants and to more thoroughly assess their qualifications.

Special Considerations

Before hiring a virtual assistant, the client can ensure a smoother working relationship by creating detailed instructions about tasks they need to have performed. A written manual reduces the risk of misunderstandings that can occur in a remote working relationship.

How Can You Become a Virtual Assistant?

Having previous experience as an administrative assistant or support staff member is helpful, but not necessary. Even individuals without past experience can take training courses to learn needed skills, such as the Microsoft Office Suite or other administrative software. Freelance networks such as Upwork and Fiverr provide marketplaces where contractors can seek out positions. Contractors can also seek out work on more traditional job boards or through networking sites such as LinkedIn.

How Hard Is It to Be a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant has some of the same challenges as an in-person assistant, including working with a variety of programs, managing and prioritizing competing tasks and answering to an employer. What’s different is that the virtual assistant is doing all of this remotely, without frequent in-person interaction, in a different location than their employer. This may be a less stressful environment for many employees. However, it’s also an environment without any technical support staff on hand if there are any technological problems.

How Much Can You Earn As a Virtual Assistant?

The compensation varies depending on what the assignment is and who you’re working for. According to job search site Indeed, the national average for virtual assistants is just over $25 per hour, particularly for more basic administrative assistant jobs. Jobs with a higher value skill set, such as design, can command a higher price. Some of these jobs are advertised on standard job sites, such as Robert Half, Monster, and Indeed and have established hourly rates. For contractors who advertise their services on sites such as Upwork or Fiverr set their own rates and therefore can charge more. Facebook and other social media platforms also advertise for virtual assistants.

The Bottom Line

A virtual assistant is a remote administrative assistant who works for a company or individual on a self-employed, or contract basis. A virtual assistant helps with office management work but can also tackle a variety of writing, editing, design, marketing and social media-related activities. A virtual assistant works remotely, using technology to complete assignments, despite not being in a physical office alongside their co-workers or employers. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees worked virtually, not only as assistants, but in a variety of capacities.




20 December
Procurement Services In USA

We help organizations reduce costs, improve internal processes and upskill their procurement teams so that they can realize cost savings faster. We aim to ensure savings are measurable and sustainable – delivering greater value for your business over the longer term.
Procurement is the method of discovering and agreeing to terms and purchasing goods, services, or other works from an external source, often with the use of a tendering or competitive bidding process.
Procurement involves every activity involved in obtaining the goods and services a company needs to support its daily operations, including sourcing, negotiating terms, purchasing items, receiving and inspecting goods as necessary and keeping records of all the steps in the process.
At Errandables, we understand the critical role that effective procurement plays in the success of your business. Our comprehensive procurement services are designed to streamline your purchasing process, optimize your supply chain, and drive cost savings. With our expertise and industry experience, we can help you achieve your procurement goals and enhance your overall operational efficiency.

Our Range of Procurement Services:

Sourcing Strategic: Our strategic sourcing experts will work closely with you to identify the best suppliers, negotiate favorable contracts, and establish long-term relationships that meet your specific business needs. We conduct thorough market research, analyze supplier capabilities, and implement robust supplier evaluation processes to ensure the highest quality standards and competitive pricing.

Supplier Management: We provide end-to-end supplier management solutions, including supplier qualification, performance monitoring, and relationship management. Our team employs advanced tools and methodologies to assess supplier performance, track key metrics, and mitigate risks. We work collaboratively with your suppliers to drive continuous improvement, resolve issues, and maintain a strong supplier base.

Purchase Order Processing: Streamline your purchasing process with our efficient purchase order processing services. We handle the end-to-end procurement workflow, from purchase requisition to order placement, order tracking, and receipt confirmation. Our team leverages technology and automation to enhance accuracy, reduce cycle time, and improve overall procurement efficiency.

Contract Management: Our contract management services ensure that your procurement contracts are well-structured, compliant, and optimized for maximum value. We assist in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating contracts, while ensuring alignment with your business objectives and legal requirements. Our team will actively manage contract renewals, amendments, and terminations, minimizing potential risks and optimizing contract terms.

Spend Analysis: Gain valuable insights into your procurement spend with our comprehensive spend analysis services. We utilize advanced analytics tools to evaluate your spending patterns, identify cost-saving opportunities, and optimize your procurement strategies. Our detailed reports and dashboards provide you with actionable intelligence to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.

Supplier Diversity Program: If supplier diversity is a priority for your organization, we can help you develop and implement a robust supplier diversity program. Our experts will assist in identifying diverse suppliers, establishing diversity goals, and implementing supplier diversity reporting and tracking mechanisms. We believe in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the procurement ecosystem.


4 December
Short Term Rental Management Services in USA

We pride ourselves on being a one stop service provider in the short-term rental property management industry to optimize the value and performance of real estate assets. We are a dynamic and forward-thinking company, committed to exceptional service, cutting-edge technology, a deep understanding of the real estate market, and well versed with short term rental industry. With STR expertise and a dedicated team of experts, we are the ideal partner for investors seeking to tap into the lucrative world of short-term rentals.

Turn your property into a cash flow machine:

Short Term Rental (STR) Management Service that takes care of your holiday home properties including but not limited to;

We offer a full range of services for managing your holiday lets.
Boost your earnings by renting your property through our STR management service!

  • Property Furnishing
  • Staging & Photograph
  • Booking Management
  • Guest Meet and Greet
  • Guest Communication & Customer Services
  • Check-in and Check-out Procedures
  • Deep Cleaning
  • Inventory Checks
  • Items Restocking
  • Property Maintenance
  • Housekeeping
  • Price Optimization
  • Ad Placement
  • Social Media Optimization


20 November
Travel & Tourism Management Services in USA

Planning your business trip or dream holiday has never been easier, now with your personal lifestyle manager everything is possible.

Whether you’re looking to expand your horizons or simply sink into sumptuous comfort, let us curate your journey abroad so that it seamlessly suits your tastes and preferences. We’ll take care of all the details so all you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy your luxury holiday.

The truth is that there is an art to the perfect getaway. An amazing trip can’t be mass-produced through a fill-in form on a website. It needs to be expertly tailored to the person who is taking the journey. Sorry, but there’s no app for that.

  • City Tour
  • Airport pick up and drop off
  • Private chauffeurs
  • Destination Management
  • Hotel and flight bookings
  • Transportation assistance
  • Special request in hotel room
  • Travel requirements
  • Dining out
  • Sports and entertainment
  • Emergency assistance abroad
  • Helicopter, ferry, bus tours
14 November
Moving Management Services in USA

Moving, whether residential or commercial can be stressful, even overwhelming. From planning and packing to moving and organizing – every move takes time, energy and much of your focus. There is a better way.

At Errandables, we take the guesswork and heavy lifting off your hands, with complete end-to-end residential moving assistance services perfect for busy professionals and homeowners and in a fraction of the time it usually takes by most homeowners or businesses.

This is moving…. Done For You.

We make it so easy that some of our clients hire us, then take a family vacation. They return to a beautiful new home, unpacked, and professionally organized. You can, too!

MOVINGWith Errandsables you get a fully vetted – and careful – team of residential moving experts dedicated to your total satisfaction. Why sweat the small (or big) stuff when we can handle it for you?\



With Errandsables you get a fully vetted – and careful – team of residential moving experts dedicated to your total satisfaction. Why sweat the small (or big) stuff when we can handle it for you?\


We don’t stop at unpacking. We offer organizing services to deliver a fully turnkey move while helping you make the most of your time. Closets, kitchens, and any other room in the home!


7 November
Wedding Concierge Services in USA

Our emphasis is on a highly personalized service that delivers exceptional care and unrivalled service. We specialize in helping you design, plan and perfectly coordinate your wedding or event.

Our duty to serve you with excellence and to leave you with a one of a kind experiences which will never be erased from your memory and we are prepared to help you with everything from the traditional to the extraordinary. We believe that honoring your cultural heritage and traditions should not mean having to compromise your personal style and taste. We support our clients through our dedication, impeccable professionalism and deep respect for their religious beliefs, customs, and orientation.

Build your own experience! 

Your fairy tale wedding begins here. For the opening chapter of your love story, let’s explore the best options for your style and budget. We will help you create the perfect package for your wedding day!

  • Guest List Management
  • Venue Arrangements
  • Assembling & dissembling
  • Arranging name cards and signs
  • Arranging decoration
  • Vendors coordination and management
  • Welcoming and directing guests
  • Wait staff assistance
  • Clean up service
  • Emergency errand runs
  • Setting up personal items
  • Bridesmaid Services
  • Groomsman / Best man Services
26 October
Event Planning & Management Services In USA

Successful events don’t happen by chance – it requires planning and execution. We do that all for you so you can be relaxed and comfortable enjoying every moment of your event or party.

We believe that every event is special if you make it, and we have … What it takes to create “the happening”.

Whether it is a romantic dinner date, a marriage proposal, wedding anniversary or corporate gala dinners, we are premier resource for your catering and event-planning needs. Events are the most influential way of promoting, celebrating, and rewarding achievements and accomplishments of your both personal / professional matters.

Day or night, formal or casual, our luxury lifestyle and concierge services will go above and beyond to ensure that your special occasion is just that—special.

“Experience, Planning and Flair – Our Ingredients for a Spectacular Event”

  • Surprise parties & celebrations
  • Birthday parties & gift deliveries
  • Wedding Coordination / Planning
  • Research & organize party themes
  • Receptions and intimate gatherings
  • Photographers
  • Floral Displays
  • Theme Parties
  • Gift/favors ideas
  • Catering management
  • RSVP list coordination
  • Invitation ideas & ordering
  • Write thank you notes
  • Deliver food & beverage
  • Valet Parking Services